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Remove Duplicates from a spreadsheet based on all or subset of columns | Google sheets/Excel | Python/Colab | Data Solution for beginners

– efficient & ready-to-execute for slow loading sheets in Pyhton / Google Colab

Goal of this tutorial: efficient and simple removal of duplicates from spreadsheet data!

In this tutorial and video, I show you how to remove duplicates such as in this data. Fast and actionable. Specially for bigger data where loading the sheet or excel files of data are slow.

Video Tutorial of this topic, complementing this blog, is available here:

Step1: Initial Settings

This first block run the needed libraries and connect the code to google sheets, where input data exist in this example.

Connect this colab code to your google drive

Let’s take a look at data and some duplication examples in it.

Example of duplication in the data.

example of duplicated in data – this is a fake dataset

Filter or slice the data if needed

Step2: if needed filter or slice the data to focus on the sample you want. The referred video tutorial link provide more information on this.

Define condition to select a slice or filter a subset of data if needed

Removing Duplicates

Step3: Remove duplicates in scenario 1. Duplicates based on all columns

Remove duplicated based on multiple selected data columns in python

Step4: remove duplicates based on subset of columns, not all. Let’s have a look at all columns to choose first.

In this example, if there are repeated information based on first name, and last name, and id, delete the repeated ones.

Step5: last step, saving the data in google sheets!

Related links for this video:

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